New Book Reveals The Secret To Successful Sales Webinars 

...And It's Not About Some "Script" or "Template"

Nathan "Rocky" Anderson

From the desk of Nathan "Rocky" Anderson.

Beulah, Colorado.

Dear Friend,


If you want webinars that sell, reliably time after time, this will be the most important book you'll ever read.

But first, an admission.

I've been in the Internet Marketing game since 1999. It has been a very lucrative business to be in at times... 


But I've had to learn how to do all sorts of things on my own. I've made all the mistakes. Broken everything that can break. Fallen flat on my face and not sold a thing to an audience of hundreds.


I can save you that pain. ;)


Looking back at over 18 years of doing webinars (they were called Teleseminars back in the day), there are tried and true proven techniques for making webinars sell.


After implementing one such technique, one webinar I ran went from an attendee value of $20 to an attendee value of $200. That's right, every person on the webinar was worth $200 in sales at the end.


It's not some simple cookie-cutter solution. It's not a blueprint or structural diagram. They are advanced techniques. I call them frameworks.


So with that understood ... let me jump right in and show you ...

Exactly What You're Getting

First of all, this isn't like any webinar or internet marketing book you've ever read.


There's no long-winded storytelling about stuff that doesn't matter. 


No fluff. No filler.


Just the most results-centered strategies and tactics that are working right now, and have stood the test of time.


And it's easy to read.


At 74 pages, you can read it in about an hour.


And It's About MORE Than Just Webinars.


These frameworks can produce big results for on-demand trainings, masterclasses, and even going Live on Facebook and YouTube.


This book tells you how to profit from all of it.


There are secrets in here that I've only revealed to people that have signed an NDA and attended a paid webinar.


There are secrets in here that I've Never Revealed To Anyone Before At Any Price.


So like I said, there's more to this little book than "just" selling on webinars. Here's a fraction of what you're getting...

  • The easiest way to go from "I have no idea what to say" to running highly engaging events that attendees love (and really pay the bills).

  • Cookie cutter "script" templates are best, right? WRONG! The day of lazy fill-in-the-blank webinar plans are long gone (thank goodness). You need to genuinely connect with your audience for big results. (And it's a lot easier than you think!)

  • The one thing you should NEVER do when you're running a webinar. (Hint: It's the first thing most "gurus" tell you to do.)

  • When it's OK to use testimonials, and when it's a HUGE mistake. That's right. Testimonials can hurt you if not used properly. 

  • The best ways to leverage your expertise to build a presentation that will establish you as THE expert.

  • When to ask your attendees to participate, and when to let them lead the way to the next conclusion.

  • The completely natural way to transition to pitching your offer. The audience will ask you to sell them something!

And much, much, more! 

But you know what you'll really love? The total lack of B.S. This is all true. Nothing is theoretical. I've actually done everything I write about.

Start Broadcasting Right Away!

The really great part of running Webinars that Sell is that they are completely scalable. 


You can get started small. 


Get your presentation together, pop up an ad and spend less than $100, and then run your webinar. You can get enough attendees to see if what you're doing is working right away.


Or, you can jump in with both feet and take massive action.


It's up to you.


This book makes it possible to be confident in your ability to sell.

There's A System For It

The book covers the step-by-step process for crafting a message that will have real impact with the audience.


There are charts and checklists to make sure you "get it".


It's the complete system - nothing is left out.


Finally, someone put it all in one simple easy to read text.

Here's What to Do Next

The "cost" of this book is $5. And you get it instantly as a PDF download.


You can be reading it 5 minutes from now.


Why $5?


I've given my books away before, but people didn't "feel" the value of them. Half of the people that would ask for the book would never even download it!


I seriously want you to read this book. It will add so much value to your life!


When people pay for something, they value it much more.


As soon as you place your order today, you'll be taken to a page where you can download it. You'll also get an email with a download link, for safekeeping.


You can access your book anywhere, instantly, without having to wait for the post office to get it to you!

But Wait, There's More!

Get your copy of my book today, and I'll throw in two bonus publications:


Privileged Moments is a whitepaper on how to set up situations that will make an attendee more likely to buy. It's an adaptation of the teachings of Dr. Robert Cialdini in his book "Pre-Suasion". It's yours for the taking when you pick up my book today.


The Webinar Technology Primer is a guide to all the choices you have when it comes to the hardware and software you can use to run your webinars. If you've ever wondered what the differences are between a Condenser and a Dynamic microphone, look no further!


Both of these essential publications are included, at no extra charge, when you order now. 

Time is of the Essence

I won't be offering the book at this price for long.




Because it costs me over $30 in advertising costs just to get a sale.


Why in the world would I do that?


Because I want you to read the book. 


Once you read it, you'll know this is the true way to run engaging, valuable, profitable events. You might even appreciate my help and want to do business with me in the future.


My digital marketing agency is always looking for new partners and clients. And we also offer courses and hold events. It's a win-win for all of us.

My Ridiculously Bold Guarantee

I guarantee 100% that you'll love this book, or I will return your $5 and you can go ahead and keep it anyway.


Just send me an email and I'll give you back your $5 with no questions asked.


Sound fair?


Claim Your Copy Now!

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to speaking with you soon.




Nathan "Rocky" Anderson


P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:


I'm offering you a 74 page book that outlines how to create highly engaging and profitable webinars, even if you've never given a presentation before.


The book is only $5 if you grab it now.



and claim your copy now. You won't regret it.

DISCLAIMER: Everything I talk about in the book is my own personal experience. The numbers I go over are mine and mine alone. You should not expect to do the same. In fact, the average buyer of "how to" type materials makes little to nothing at all. Your results completely depend on your abilities, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk, and requires massive consistent action. There are no shortcuts. If you aren't willing to accept this fact, and your own risk, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.

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